
"Animations" tab in the editor.

Animations are a feature in Mari0: Special Edition. They can do many things such as disabling controls. They can also be triggered the animation trigger entity.


  • After seconds - animation gets triggered after a chosen amount of seconds
  • Animation trigger - animation gets triggered when an animation entity of the same ID gets triggered.
  • On map load - animation gets triggered on map load
  • Player's x position < - animation gets triggered when the player's position along the x axis is less than a chosen number
  • Player's x position > - animation gets triggered when the player's position along the x axis is greater than a chosen number
  • Player's y position < - animation gets triggered when the player's position along the y axis is less than a chosen number
  • Player's y position > - animation gets triggered when the player's position along the y axis is greater than a chosen number

An animation in action.


  • Level is number - animation will only trigger if the level is a chosen number (only 1 through 4)
  • Map started here - The first time you entered the level [not checked]
  • Require coins - animation will only trigger if the player possesses a chosen number of coins
  • Sublevel is number - animation will only trigger if the sublevel is a chosen number (only main through 5)
  • World is number - animation will only trigger if the world is a chosen number (only 1 through 8)


  • Add coins - gives the player a chosen number of coins
  • Add points - gives the player a chosen number of points
  • Animate to walk - makes the player walk in a chosen direction
  • Change background color - changes the background (not the custom background) to a color chosen by rgb values
  • Change time left - changes the time counter to a chosen number, with 0 being infinite
  • Close portals - closes the portals of a player
  • Create dialog - creates a speech box at the bottom of the screen; useful alternative to the text tool
  • Destroy dialogs - removes any dialog created by the previous animation
  • Disable aiming - prevents players from aiming their portal gun
  • Disable controls - completely disables the player
  • Disable portal gun of - allows players to aim, but not fire their portal gun
  • Disable scrolling - keeps the camera from moving
  • Disable this animation - keeps the animation from playing again
  • Enable aiming - undoes Disable aiming
  • Enable controls - undoes Disable controls
  • Enable portal gun of - undoes Disable portal gun of
  • Enable scrolling - undoes Disable scrolling and Pan camera to x or y
  • Enable this animation - undoes Disable this animation
  • Kill player - damages the player (to instantly kill, use Change time left with about 0.01 seconds)
  • Load level - loads a level chosen by world, level, and sublevel
  • Make fire portal - makes the player fire their portal gun
  • Make jump - makes the player jump
  • Make player aim to deg - makes the player aim to a chosen degree
  • Move player to x - teleports the player to a chosen x value
  • Move player to y - teleports the player to a chosen y value
  • Pan camera to x - moves the camera to a chosen x value over a chosen amount of seconds
  • Pan camera to y - moves the camera to a chosen y value over a chosen amount of seconds
  • Play music - plays a chosen song
  • Set camera to x - teleports the camera to a chosen x value
  • Set camera to y - teleports the camera to a chosen y value
  • Shake the screen - rumbles the screen with a chosen force
  • Sleep/wait - animation stops for a chosen number of seconds
  • Stop jumping - [not sure]
  • Stop playeranimations - stops the player

Animation Triggers


Animation Triggers are an entity to start animations. Upon any input, they will play whichever animation has the same ID as the trigger's.
